There are 2 options to set play, pause and stop buttons to a video.

These options are relevant If you already have your own buttons or elements ready and you want to connect them to your video.

Option 1

1. Select the video you want to add the buttons to.

2. Click Add video Widgets on the video's settings menu.

3. Click Play Button.

4. Select the button you want to be the play button for the video and Click Apply.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for pause and stop buttons.

Option 2

This option is relevant If you already have your own buttons or elements ready and you want to connect them to your video.

1. Select the button you want to be the play button for the video.

2. Click New Action on the video's Settings window.

3. Select the trigger for the desired action (in this case : play). for a button, the recommended trigger is mouse click, but, every trigger is possible and the design is in your hands.

4. Select the target element for for the desired action : the video.

5. Select the desired action for the selected trigger from the toolbar located at the top of the screen. in this case - Play.

6. Click OK.